
Urgente inglês - prova 11. My mom cries for anything. She’s the most person I know. *1 ponto○sensitive○sensible○sentient○senile12.

Urgente inglês - prova 11. My mom cries for anything. She’s the most person I know. *

1 ponto





12. Thank you for the present. It was very of you. *

1 ponto





13. If you weren’t so , we wouldn’t lose all our money. I told you it was time to stop playing. *

1 ponto





14. Sometimes I’m too stubborn. I know . Now it’s been too long and she doesn’t even want to see me and wants a divorce. *

1 ponto

○I should apologize more

○I should have apologized to my wife

○I should have apologized to my girlfriend

○I apologize

15. I some cab money. Now I have to wait for the subway to open. *

1 ponto

○should get

○should bring

○will ask for

○should have brought

1 Resposta





I should have apologized to my wife

should bring
